Three women sitting round an office table.

Join our growing business community

Associate your brand with other companies leading the way to bridge the digital divide globally.

Group of girls at a celebration receiving phones to support their education.

How does it work?

  • Simply sign your business up here and subscribe to our newsletter.

  • We add your business to the member register to the community, and let the community know that you joined in our newsletters.

  • Whilst not compulsory, businesses that donate over $1,000 have their brand recognised publicly on our site and in our communications as an Official Supporter, and receive a brand pack that they can use in their marketing.

  • Join in the fun! We run different initiatives to bring businesses in the community together to connect the unconnected. Join chat groups, online discussion forums and bring along you employees and colleagues.

    Please bring all your ideas to the community on how we can solve the problems of 4 billion people being left behind as they lack adequate internet access.

Meet our community, from far and wide.