A young girl and even younger boy looking at a laptop.

Creative ways your business can donate

Find out how you can donate without hitting your bottom line.

Other ways you can donate

Young girl and her mother using a phone and textbook for studying in India.

Co-brand a product with us 

Partnering with us can help the sales and financial performance of one of your products or services.

For example: if you sell a monthly mobile plan, as part of that plan you offer your customers a chance to connect a student in India, through unconnected.org.

Contact us at help@unconnected.org for more information.

Three woman at an office sitting round a table.

Support us through sales fundraising 

This is where an organisation pledges to donate a percentage of their revenue from product sales to a specific charity.

You can have a powerful and positive impact in a simple, sustainable and legal way.

Fundraise for us.

A man experiencing homelessness on snowy day.

Payroll Giving for employees. UK only.

Payroll Giving is the most tax effective way for your employees to donate to charity. Its costs your company nothing. Your employees nominate unconnected.org and the donation is deducted from their pay, before tax. Show your employee your business is a caring one in 5 easy steps:

  1. We will guide you to connect to an HMRC approved Payroll Giving Agency (PGA)

  2. We will provide you material to inspire your staff to donate

  3. Employees sign up to a recurring donation from their pay using forms we provide

  4. Donations begin. We provide quarterly impact reports to your business and employees.

Contact us at help@unconnected.org for to make this happen.

Your company team can volunteer

Looking for projects where your employees can easily volunteer and create true social value. We will work with you to design a volunteering programme that excites your employees, measures social impact for your ESG reports and importantly, connects people in need to the internet.

A group of volunteers in orange jackets.

What kinds of projects will volunteers do?

Ease the cost of living crisis

Distribute connections and smartphones at food banks, homeless and refugee centres. Ease their monthly costs and enable access to critical services and support.

Help teach digital skills

Provide basic digital training to students, the elderly, those with disabilities, mental health challenges & refugees. Enable online skills to learn, trade & access accommodation.

Marketing, events, social media and PR

Organisations globally have generously provided volunteers to help with our marketing, social media and presence within the press and at industry events.

Start a volunteering project today

  • Volunteering improves your ESG rating

  • Energise your workforce

  • Studies show that employees working for socially active companies have greater tenure and pride in the what they do

  • Change lives

How your company benefits

A volunteer on a bus handing out mobile connection.