Young girl from Sakhi India holding a phone with her hand doing thumb up.

Sponsor a monthly connection

Help connect a person in need. This could be a student in India, a refugee on the move, loved ones back in Ukraine. Set up a recurring donation and we will do the rest.

How you can help

IPYANA PRIMARY SCHOOL, MALAWI ; students from different schools playing numerical and literacy games.

Connect students in rural Malawi 

Our partner in Malawi, Fast Networks, has been installing infrastructure into rural schools with broadband and satellite, to bring digital learning to students for the first time. We are helping by enabling tablets and smartphones that can be used by the student with the learning software.

Donate US$10 to give a student a smartphone. If in the UK, text “MALAWI” to 70450 and charges will be applied to your mobile bill.

Help a refugee family in Mexico 

There is a growing number of refugees in Mexico. Migrating families can find themselves in difficult and unsafe situations. Our project has a special focus on traveling single mothers. We help families by providing them with access to mobile connections, local phone numbers and digital help services. We also enable micro-finance, where families are able to receive small loans, through their mobile connection.

Sponsor a family for 4 months for only $20 and enable them with micro-finance

Help connect someone Ukraine and keep them safe 

Topping up mobile phones in war-zones can be dangerous. It often requires the person to leave the home to get to a top-up kiosk. We have connected to all the operators within Ukraine. This means we can top them up without them having to make this dangerous journey.

US$10 per month keeps a family connected to each other.

Help a young girl studying in India

750m people remain unconnected to the internet in India.

We are running a program that connect young girls in some of India’s poorest slums. We have set them up with mobile phones and learning software through their schools. Help us support them by sponsoring their internet connection.

US$5 per month helps to keep them safe and learning digital skills.

What happens after you sponsor?

We will provide you with:

  • A quarterly newsletter on outlining the status of the projects

  • An impact statement

  • As much as possible we will provide actual footage and interview with the people you have connected

  • Where applicable, we will track the progress of the people you have helped in, accessing education, permanent residence and any other impacts that you donation has enabled

Together, we make a difference